Behavioral Risk Factor Analysis


Tushar Prasad (tp2802)

Anusree Mondal Rakhi (ar4636)


December 14, 2023

1 Introduction

In an era where lifestyle-related health concerns are rising, the intersection of nutrition, physical activity, and obesity emerges as a critical focal point for research and intervention. Our " Behavioral Risk Factor Analysis" project delves into the rich reservoir of data provided by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). This comprehensive dataset is a valuable repository of information concerning adults' dietary habits, physical activity levels, and weight status.

1.1 Rationale for Choosing this Topic

The impetus behind selecting this particular topic is rooted in the growing global concern surrounding non-communicable diseases, with obesity being a key contributor. Lifestyle factors, such as dietary choices and levels of physical activity, play pivotal roles in the development and perpetuation of obesity. As researchers committed to improving public health, understanding the intricate connections between nutrition, physical activity, and obesity becomes paramount. By focusing on the BRFSS dataset, we aim to unravel patterns, trends, and correlations that can offer nuanced insights into the behavioral aspects influencing weight status. This endeavor is not merely an academic pursuit but a proactive response to a pressing public health challenge. The data from BRFSS, integrated into DNPAO's Data, Trends, and Maps database, holds the promise of informing evidence-based strategies for obesity prevention and intervention.

1.2 Questions of Interest 

Several vital questions drive our exploration of this dataset:

  • How do demographic and social factors influence Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity patterns?

  • What role do environmental and cultural factors play in shaping behaviors related to nutrition and physical activity?

  • What dietary patterns are prevalent among adults, and how do these patterns correlate with obesity rates?

  • Are there discernible patterns in weight status changes over time, and what factors contribute to shifts in obesity rates?

1.3 Context for Readers 

For those unfamiliar with the BRFSS and its significance, it is a national surveillance system that systematically collects and analyzes health-related data across the United States. The dataset employed in our project encapsulates a wealth of information crucial for understanding the behavioral nuances that underlie obesity trends. The integration of this data into the DNPAO's Data, Trends, and Maps database enhances its utility, providing a comprehensive resource for researchers, policymakers, and public health practitioners. As we embark on this investigative journey, our aim is to contribute not only to the academic discourse surrounding nutrition, physical activity, and obesity but also to offer actionable insights that can shape public health initiatives aimed at fostering healthier lifestyles and mitigating the obesity epidemic.